Bridging 2019 Lesson Resources Folder
Hard to believe that Bridging has been and gone and we’re now all waiting with great anticipation and possibly a little trepidation the August results! All course offers that students currently hold from Sixth Form at King Edward’s are conditional upon confirmation of GCSE results.
Those that attended Bridging made such a positive impression on the Sixth Form team and the teaching staff. Many teachers commented on the enthusiasm with which students approached their lessons and learning, and are very much looking forward to new cohorts of students starting in September. Particular mention to the large number students who have applied for a place with us who did not study their GCSE’s at King Edward’s. Making the decision to change schools is a tough one, often bound together with lots of emotions. These students from other schools approached Bridging wholeheartedly and really integrated into our Sixth Form community. We look forward to getting to you know better in the coming months.
We very much hope that Bridging allowed students to get familiar with their new surroundings, making the Advanced Study Centre their new base and taking full advantage of our exclusive Cafe VI. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to connect with new students and witness burgeoning friendships, watching them try out A Level subjects that will help them on their way to realising their ambition. The aim of Bridging is to begin that journey of development, increasing self awareness and making informed decisions about futures.
During the week we partnered with Live-n-Learn, who spoke to students about developing their A Level Mindset. The aim of these sessions, was to give an indication of the breadth and depth of our Enrichment and Personal Development Programme, which is unique to King Edward’s. At the same time offering practical tips, strategies and advice on managing the transition and the differences between school and Sixth Form. We will continue this with our VESPA programme of learning in the new term
Year on year, comments from both students and staff relate to the transitional phase between Year 11 and Year 12 and how ‘big’ the jump is from GCSE to A Level. This is is not just restricted to lessons and learning, but also the increased freedoms and responsibilities Post 16 students are afforded. The enrichment sessions on Wednesday, demonstrated by being fully informed and prepared, as well as adopting a motivated and positive mindset, there is no jump. Instead there are a plethora of opportunities and possibilities to be grasped, used and exploited to ensure that dreams, goals and accomplishments are all realised within Sixth Form at King Edward’s.
Students, please follow the link below to provide your thoughts on the week: