Year 13 results will be available for students to collect from the Advanced Study Centre (ASC) in school on Thursday 15 August from 8am downstairs in the ASC.
Students are strongly encouraged to attend school to collect their results in person on the day of results. Any not collected by the student will be posted out.
In all cases students should bring with them to school their UCAS personal ID in case they need to make contact with a university or UCAS. They should also bring a fully charged mobile phone with plenty of credit. UCAS Track is likely to be made ‘live’ again on the morning of 15 August sometime between midnight and 8am. This allows students to check if they have been successful in achieving their university place prior to results being available. Please be aware that some universities react faster than others, some institutions will still be making decisions on Results Day and the days following, especially if a student is ‘borderline’.
Confirmation Decisions on 15 August
Likely outcomes on UCAS track regarding FIRM or INSURANCE.
If a student meets or exceeds the conditions on their firm offer they should see their UCAS Track read UF (unconditional firm).
If a student fails to meet the conditions of their firm offer but meets or exceeds their insurance offer they should see their UCAS Track read UI (unconditional insurance).
If a student reads CF on their UCAS Track then it is likely that the university requires more information and is yet to make a decision on that application. It is advised that the student calls the university in order to clarify the situation. Often this can be the result of missing qualifications and/or grades lower than the required offer but still close to being considered.
If a student reads CI on their UCAS Track then it is likely that they meet the required offer for their Insurance offer but that university can not confirm their offer as the Firm university has still not confirmed whether to accept the lower grades for their respective offer. In this situation the insurance place will not be lost while the firm university makes a decision. Alternatively their grades may be lower than the required offer and the university are yet to make a decision on their level of flexibility.
In all of these cases universities could hold places/decisions until 31 August.
If a student meets or exceeds the terms of their offer and are no longer interested in their Firm choice they may be able to apply for Adjustment via their UCAS Track. This allows the students to search for alternative courses without having to be released from their Firm choice, thus allowing some security in their decision making. From selecting Adjustment on UCAS track they have five days (5 x24 hour periods including weekends) to find and confirm a place, failing that they will default back to their Firm choice (if a students offer goes to UF less than five days before 31 August, they will only have whatever time is left between then and 31 August).
No longer wish to apply to University
If a student who is holding a firm or insurance offer, no longer wants to take up a place at university they need to email the admissions department of that university and confirm this in writing. No further action is required following this.
Deferred Entry
If a student would like to defer their entry until the following academic year then they should email their request to the admissions department of the specific university (the university may decline the request). Students should be sure that they wish to defer at this point, they will not be able to revert back to their original year of entry once the have made their decision to change and a course provider has accepted this.
If a student has no confirmations identified on UCAS Track or have been rejected from all places then they are eligible for Clearing and they can search for any free places still available. In order to speak to the universities and be considered for different courses the student must have their personal UCAS ID and their A Level results to hand.
They then must call each university to make enquiries about free places which are still available, this will change constantly from the morning of Results Day as places are filled.
Students will need to state their name, UCAS ID, qualifications and have the new course code they wish to apply for. If they meet or are close to the entry criteria they are likely to be transferred to an academic where they will have to ‘sell’ themselves as to why they are suitable for the place. If successful they should receive a verbal offer during the call, this should then be followed up by confirmation via UCAS Track and/or and email/text. They should click ‘Add Clearing choice’ and fill in the course details by the date the university/college gave them on the phone. Students should check their emails especially their spam/junk folders; there have been issues in the past especially with Hotmail addresses.
The student should then amend their student finance application to include the new course choice. Direct contact would be made by the university following this with a welcome pack via post or email.
KEVI Staff Support
There will be a team of KEVI staff based in the ASC from 7am on 15 August. They will be available to students from 8am throughout the day until approximately 4pm. This will consist of the full Sixth Form Team and members of the Central Leadership Group.
It will not be possible for staff to take phone calls in this time as they will all be dealing with students, so please come into the ASC rather than phoning.