3 x Mandatory units
Unit 1 (120 GLH) – Children’s Development – External written examination set and marked by Pearson • 1 hour 45 minutes • LAA The principles of growth and development and how they are applied from birth up to seven years 11 months. • LAB – Physical development from birth up to seven years 11 months. • LAC – Cognition, language and communication development. • LAD Theories of social and emotional development.
90 marks
Unit 2 (120 GLH) – Development of Children’s Communication, Literacy and Numeracy Skills – External Task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions. • In part A, learners will be provided with a case study of a centre two days before a supervised assessment period in order to carry out research • In part B, the supervised assessment period is three hours in a period timetabled by Pearson.
68 marks
Unit 3 (60 GLH) – Play and Learning – Internally assessed (Coursework)
Learners study the benefits of play, the influence of theories and approaches to play, and how to provide and support purposeful play and learning activities for children.
Optional unit
Unit 5 (60 GLH) – Keeping Children Safe – Internally assessed (Coursework)
Learners study the responsibilities of a professional to promote and maintain health and safety, and what to do in an emergency or when there are concerns about a child’s welfare.
- The course is assessed through a combination of externally assessed and internally assessed units. Students will also gain valuable experience in early years settings and will be observed planning and delivering activities with groups of children.
Work Placement
50 hours of work placement in an early years setting to be completed, at least one setting, with children from birth to seven years 11 months. (This could be completed in work experience week and in allocated free periods)
What Next?
This qualification will enable learners to progress to a degree programme chosen from a range of programmes in the health and social care sector. The qualification carries UCAS points equivalent to A-Levels; a merit carries the same number of UCAS points as a C grade with a Distinction being worth the same as an A at A-Level (see UCAS website for full details).
The course also supports learners entering direct employment, or via an apprenticeship across a wide range of health and social sectors.
CPLD Subject Leader: Mrs H Marshall
Syllabus: Pearson BTEC
Course Specification: Link to spec
Qualification: BTEC L3 Nationals Extended Certificate