Debate is an excellent opportunity for those who want to gain confidence in articulating themselves and be able to produce better quality arguments. Every week we send out a debate motion to members, which varies as much as possible to ensure that the topics are new and equally challenging. We also try to keep up with issues that crop up in the news when possible, should anything interesting arise. Every debater will have up to 5 mins to have their say, and those not speaking during that time have the chance to deliver points of information. Towards the end of each debate we take questions from the floor, meaning that anyone who is just watching the debate can project their own opinions. Meetings tend to last around 1.5 hours.
Debate society is a low pressure environment, there is no requirement that you feel any good at debating and although all are encouraged to take part we aim to do this in as stressless a way as possible. The society is always a vibrant place to be, providing a forum for you to express yourself. This is particularly good for sixth formers who want to take a break from the traditional style of learning in lessons and instead want to engage in a more open, conversational and creative form of education.
Apart from our weekly meetings, we do also participate in competitions outside of school and have even done so on a national scale. In 2017 a delegation of 8 travelled to Liverpool to compete in the European Youth Parliament Nationals, which took place over a number of days and involved debating contemporary issues facing the EU. During the same year the society sent a team with interest in law to take part in the Bar Mock Trial event in Newcastle Crown Court, posing as barristers and witnesses etc.
We are thrilled to boast an increase in membership to around 60, with roughly 25-30 coming each week, and we would love to welcome you to our society.
Debate is held on a Thursday after school at the Advanced Study Centre and is open to all year groups. If anyone has any queries and would like to get in contact, please either email [email protected] or pop in to one of our meetings.
Contributors: Seth Gooding, Sam Oxley & Nicole Souter