Working alongside staff and through conversation with (and IKEA handiwork of) students, we would like to introduce you to; The Den: A Sanctuary in School.

Life in school can be full. Life at home can be full. Our heads and our hearts are so often full of busy – and where do we go, what do we practice to ‘just be?’ The Den is one of those places.

At the back of the top floor of the Advanced Study Centre, a meeting room has been transformed. It is our hope and intention that The Den is a place to rest, reflect and to take a breath. It is a place to explore, question, ponder & wonder. A place to be stirred and equipped to live well in heart, mind, body & soul. It is a safe space where understanding of self may be nurtured, friendships deepened and where all are strengthened on the inside in order face the world boldly on the outside.

The Den is place of conversation, listening, debate, mindful thought and spiritual cultivation; a place for all…to be and to become.

Throughout the year, workshops and activities engaging with these themes of personal, spiritual and emotional growth will be available to yr 12 & yr 13 students. The support of the chaplain through listening, mentoring & coaching can be organised every week; just contact [email protected] The Den will also contain support literature designed to support students with positive mental and emotional health. The literature is produced by mental health charity Mind, and donations from the PTFA have allowed us to purchase the literature.