It has been almost a week since our traditional Senior Student Elections took place. The nomination and election process was excellent and we would like to congratulate all candidates for the effort, contribution and humility demonstrated throughout the election process. The candidates really did approach the elections as a team and had an excellent camaraderie, we hope that all of the candidates will continue to contribute to our vibrant Sixth Form community.
For the elected Senior Students, their success is beginning to sink in, and they are beginning to reflect on their election victory.
Claudia, elected Head Girl said “I was absolutely thrilled to find that I’d gained the position, and look forward to bringing our ideas together to benefit the school, it’s a lovely feeling to be a Senior Student among some of my closest friends.”
Luke, elected Head Boy said “I’m hugely looking forward to the next year working to improve the school and am excited to get started.”
Lewis, elected Deputy Head Boy commented that he is “So incredibly delighted to have been awarded the role. I feel immensely proud to have the opportunity to gain an invaluable experience working to improve our school with staff, as well as the vastly talented team I am now part of.”
Newly elected Deputy Head Girl, Pheobe, also commented “I’m really excited about the role and can’t wait to start working with the other senior students on new tasks. I think the whole process has been really interesting and I’m so pleased with my position.”
The Head of Year 12, Ms Familton will work closely with the team over the coming year, as well as echoing the comments about all of the candidates in the quality field of nominees, she said ‘The Sixth Form team are very excited to work with the four new Senior Students and see them put their ideas into action. We will work closely as a team to develop their thoughts about improvements to the student experience in Sixth Form and King Edward’s as a whole.’
Thank you to all of Year 11 and 12 students and staff who voted, election turn out was very high!