Advanced information of changes affecting Cottingwood Lane in the near future. Following consultation with residents we have been informed at the latest Road Safety meeting that Northumberland County Council will be installing double yellow lines at the top of Cottingwood Lane, outside of the school and up to the barrier leading to St George’s Hospital. We believe the remainder of Cottingwood Lane will be introducing residents permit parking only.
Many of our students who drive to school park in this area and need to be mindful of these changes coming into effect and should seek alternative parking arrangements. This is particularly important as the exam season will soon be upon us and they must ensure that they arrive to exams in plenty of time.
We would take this opportunity to remind students that there is no on-site parking facilities, other than the permit spaces which we issue on a termly basis. We received several complaints from the Youth Service and Adult Learning during the recent mock exams due to student parking at these locations.
Also, please can I remind all drivers that Cottingwood Lane is a maximum of 20 mph speed limit and to adhere to this when coming to and from school site.