Role of the Form Tutor

The role of the Form Tutor is hugely important, students see their form tutor every day and will get to know students very well. Tutors can be a great source of support and guidance to students, tutors will be the strongest advocates for their tutees but also their ‘critical friend’. A form Tutor can ensure each day gets off to a great start!

Student Mentors

At The King Edward VI School we have dedicated Student Mentors who are available for 1:1 interviews, advice and guidance at any time. Any student can drop in to see the Mentors from 8:30am, including breaks and lunch times or after school. Janet supports students in Years 9 – 13, while Susan and Julie are dedicated Sixth Form Mentors. Parents, Tutors and/or Year Leaders will refer students to our Mentors for additional support as appropriate.

In addition to advice and guidance around progression beyond Sixth Form, our Mentors work with students to provide all aspects of pastoral care, including safeguarding, attendance and academic progress. They work closely with Year Leaders and Form Tutors. Mentoring in Sixth Form can be in small groups or one to one sessions, depending on the need/individual.

Year Leaders

Each year group has their very own dedicated Year Leader that will work with students and families from the point of induction to Sixth Form to the very end of Year 13. It is great that so many of our students remain in contact with Year Leaders once they have left. Each Year Leader is responsible for their year group and leading their tutor team; Year Leaders oversee the pastoral needs, academic progress, safeguarding and enrichment programme for their year group.


We are lucky to work with Beth Rookwood, who supports the wellbeing of Students and staff in Sixth Form. Beth offers group and one to one sessions and really encourages students to look after themselves and each other. More information about Beth and her work with us is found on the wellbeing page.


We are incredibly lucky to have our own dedicated Counselling Service that support students.

Throughout all year groups we place paramount importance on well being of every student; well being in its broadest sense. There is lots of support, both in school and out of school, that can be accessed and used before a counselling referral is necessary.