Thursday 11 January 2018 saw our annual Sixth Form showcase event. This is an event we are really proud of and it allows us to share our vision and ethos for Post 16 study and give you a flavour of what and how we do it.
As part of the event the Mr Simpson, Head of School and Mrs Johnston, Head of Sixth Form, supported by our Senior Students, Tom and Layla delivered a formal presentation. A copy of the presentation can be accessed via this link.
Post 16 Evening allow our expert teaching staff to discuss with students and their parents the realities of Post 16 study and what the A Level courses are like. We thoroughly enjoyed the evening and we hope that those who attended found it informative and inspiring.
If you could not attend the evening, but would like to visit our Sixth Form or would like to discuss an application with a member of the Sixth Form team, please do not hesitate to contact us.