At this time of year we would invite our applicants in to meet the Sixth Form team, sample some lessons and discuss our expectations for September. Unfortunately, that has not been possible this year so Mrs Johnston and Miss O’Neill have delivered their presentation virtually.
Sixth Form at King Edward’s Presentation
We hope you find the information we share with you useful and informative. If we have delivered our message as we intended you should get the sense that we are all craving some sort of normality and that we are really looking forward to welcoming students back in the new academic year. The original presentation without narration can be accessed here.
All students aiming to return to study with us should complete the Bridging/Transition work for all subjects they are considering at A Level. That work can be accessed here.
The 2020 GCSE cohort have experienced unprecedented events. We wish all of our students and applicants the very best for the Summer results.