Every student is unique and our support recognises this. We offer a host of support services all to enable you to achieve the best you can.

Students will be supported by experienced Sixth Form Team of Year Leaders, Mentors and a Post 16 Office Manager, as well as specialist Form Tutors. We offer a range of supportive events; Welfare Evening, Introduction to Higher Education and King Edward’s Inspires. Sixth Form also have access to a Careers Adviser.

Guidance is given to all students, including university; employment; gap years and the expanding range of higher level apprenticeships which can lead to degree level qualifications.

There are separate programmes of support for students applying to Oxford or Cambridge and also Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and other competitive degrees including Primary Teaching, Nursing and Midwifery. These programmes are run by dedicated Sixth Form mentors who have developed a wealth of expertise, as well as external contacts.

For extra help and guidance students can access both Unifrog and Your Futures sites for help.


Visit the Careers: Your Future website here 


             Visit the Unifrog website here               


Work Experience

It is essential for all Sixth form students to have some experiences of the workplace, not just those that have part time work. Experiences of work can come in many different formats; talks with employers, virtual tours, virtual work experience, workplace visits, shadowing or traditional face to face work experience. School will endeavour to provide a range of these opportunities but students are encouraged to seek out their own opportunities that satisfy their areas of interest. 

Work Experience provides students with invaluable insights into the workplace, it is just as helpful to rule out something as it is to confirm aspirations. Any experience will provide networking opportunities and increase employability prospects. Research suggests students who engage with a range of quality experiences of the work place have better attainment and earn more money in the future!

In the Summer Term, Year 12 students are expected to complete a minimum of 3-days work experience. This can be in any format mentioned above. For students completing face to face work experience they must complete the Work Experience Provider Form which is available from Janet in the Careers Office.  

Alternatively, students can access a range of Insight Days and virtual work experience via the Speakers for Schools platform. This platform links students to high quality experiences from top employers. 

In addition to the above, students are encouraged to explore the full range of possibilities via Unifrog, this could be the completion of a MOOC or enrolling in a number of informative webinars. 

All students will be supported by Year Leader, Mentors and Tutors to explore the full range of possibilities.

Former Edwardians Alumni Group
We always love to hear how our students are progressing after their time at The King Edward VI School.  If you are an ex-student, please take a few minutes to join our Alumni Group.  This is a great way for us to follow your next steps and successes in the future.