I wonder if you could name all of the emotions you have felt these past couple of weeks. Any of these listed here….?
Confused. Rested. Disappointed. Glad. Scared. Relieved. Worried. Peaceful. Let down. Anxious. Rested. Robbed. Apathetic. Excited. Bored. Fine. Lonely. Happy. Numb. OK. Anger. Overwhelmed. Loss. Gratitude.
There will be many. Perhaps feelings you can’t even name. Feelings you haven’t felt before – or not as strongly as you have so recently done.
All of them are ok. All of them make you ‘normal.’ None of them make you crazy. None of them mean you are failing.
As most of us physically stay inside, it’s important, if you can, to let these emotions get out – to express them in ways that are safe, for you and for those around you.
Perhaps an honest, private conversation with someone you trust. Perhaps poured into a journal, or work of art, a poem or song.
Perhaps those strong emotions are stirred and released as you exercise.
Perhaps the heavy emotions can be given away as you pray, meditate and breathe deeply in times of rest.
Perhaps you might feel you need more than these ideas. In which case, don’t be alone. Below are some contacts who are ready and willing to hear from you.
*In crisis, text: YM to 85258 to access help from the charity Young Minds.
*To talk to someone, call Childline: 0800 1111 or Mind: 0300 123 3393
You are not alone.
I am still committed to talking with people online during Tuesdays of normal school hours. Please do contact me if you would like to meet in this way.
Beth ☺
Check out @holdingtreasure on Instagram