It is really important that all students continue to work hard in this extended period of absence from school and face to face teaching. We are committed to ensuring that all students in Year 12 get access to high quality tasks and resources.
Read the letter sent to all parents/carers in full, here.
Sixth Form students; current or prospective can and should access some of the following:
Students in Year 12 and Y13 are able to access subject resources via KEVI Google sites, Google Classroom and Google Drive.
Students completing EPQ should keep on track with their research, Google Scholar is great for doing this. Remember to keep candidate logs up to date and you can start drafting your essay. Email your supervisor for clarification.
Additional resources can be accessed via Students will need to be aware of what their exam board is
This time can be used to broaden students’ curriculum experience and the addition of a MOOC or MOOCs in a related or complementary subject or topic area would be excellent. These free courses can be accessed via Future Learn
You might be starting to think about the future and different courses/careers. You could access Unifrog to begin your research and complete your profile. You might want to start thinking about personal statements.
Lots of Universities and organisations provide additional experiences, this will allow you to develop as an individual and also your breadth of skills and interests. In the current time some of the programmes may not be running, but it will be a good starting point to research. Although not an exhaustive list some to consider are:
Newcastle Hospitals Open Event
Local Institutions
Widening Participation & Masterclasses
Extension Materials