In only a matter of weeks our Year 13 students will be embarking on their ‘Finals’ where the two years worth of (mostly) hard work will be assessed and will hopefully open the door to their future selves. With that in mind, we position our Year 13 mock exams to support the students in revising and testing content from Year 12. It is vital that students adopt a clear, SMART revision timetable in preparation for mocks and the final A Level exams; students should think about each day as 3 lots of 8 hour ‘chunks’; 8 hours sleep, 8 hours study and 8 hours of their own time. This handy planning tool can help (download here).
Year 13 mock exams start week commencing 24 February. Year 13 students will have study leave and only be expected to attend for scheduled exams unless they have been directed otherwise by teachers. Exams take precedent over any catch up or coursework sessions (please check the timetable). In the event of an illness students must follow the usual absence reporting procedure. Full mock exam timetable is here, individual student copies can be collected from Year Leader/Sixth Form Office.
This handy infographic from can help students think of half term as a 9 day challenge to maximise their revision and preparation time for their mock exams.