A-Level Chemistry attempts to answer the big question ‘what is the world made of’ and it’s the search for this answer that makes this subject so fascinating. From investigating how one substance can be changed drastically into another, to researching a new wonder drug to save millions of lives, the opportunities that chemistry provides are endless.
Foundation Chemistry.
This includes atomic structure, amount of substance, bonding, periodicity, introduction to organic chemistry and alkalines.
Chemistry in Action.
This includes energetics, kinetics, equilibria, redox reactions, Group seven – the halogens, Group 2 the alkaline earth metals, extraction of metals, halogenoalkanes, alcohols and analytical techniques.
Kinetics, Equilibria and Organic Chemistry.
This includes kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, nomenclature and isomerism in organic chemistry, compounds containing carbonyl groups, aromatic chemistry, amines, amino acids, polymers, organic synthesis and analysis, and structure determination.
Energetics, Redox and Inorganic Chemistry.
This includes thermodynamics, periodicity, redox equilibria, transition metals, reactions of inorganic compounds in aqueous solutions.
Investigative and Practical Skills in A Level Chemistry.
The practical and investigative skills will be centre assessed. All 12 practicals will be assessed.
There will be three two hour exams at the end of A Level. Practical knowledge and working scientifically will be included in all exams.
What Next?
A Level Chemistry is complemented by and compliments most other A Level subjects. Common combinations include another science, maths, economics and music.
Moving forward, A Level Chemistry can support UCAS applications and career paths in both vocational and academic fields including chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemical sciences, natural sciences, nursing, midwifery, medicine and dentistry to name only a few.
Subject Leader: Mrs J Rawlinson
Syllabus: AQA
Course Specification: 7405
Qualification: A Level